5 week antenatal education & relaxation classes
Each class is between 60 and 90 minutes and offers time for questions and relaxation to help prepare you for birth.
Week 1
Changes in pregnancy
Common problems experienced
Staying in control of your choices
Importance of birth partner
Labour stages
Comfort measures /strategies to manage labour
Week 2
Types of birth
Induction of labour
Week 3
Immediate Post birth period
Bonding with your baby
Choices for you and your baby
Week 4
Postnatal period
Expected changes
Common problems for you and your baby
Week 5
Infant feeding
5 week antenatal education & relaxation classes (starts 1st February)

Each class is between 60 and 90 minutes and offers time for questions and relaxation to help prepare you for birth.
Starts Saturday 1st February – 10am each class will last 60-90 minutes.
8th February
15th February
22nd February
1st March
5 week antenatal education & relaxation classes
Antenatal classes
As a qualified Midwife with over 33 years experience I can offer bespoke 1:1 Antenatal classes. These generally total 6 hours and can be divided into 3 x 2 hour sessions, 2 x 3 hour sessions or a mixture of the two. They can be done here at Athene for £160 per course or at your home for £180 per course and cover everything from antenatal, labour and postnatal care as well as infant feeding and general baby care.
For more information or to discuss your particular needs please contact us via email info@atheneuk.com or telephone 07740354465.
Other services
Pregnancy massage (Full Body £40, Back/neck £30)
This massage is specifically tailored to suit the needs of the pregnant client. Pregnancy can be a time of increased aches and pains as the body's centre of gravity shifts to accommodate the growing baby. This combined with the hormone changes can can cause or worsen back and hip discomfort. Massage can help relieve some of this discomfort whilst also giving a sense of relaxation and well being.
Other treatments
Postnatal/Feeding support
As an infant feeding advsior I am able to provide support in the post natal period. For many of the couples I teach hypnobirth this feeding support is part of the package. However I am able to offer support in the postnatal period to parents who have not undertaken the course but would like some extra support.
This can be done face to face or via zoom at a cost of £30 per hour. To book support please call or text 07740 354465.